Several family members opt to give her new pictures of their growing families. If you look around her house though, it almost feels overwhelming. It was suggested to us that we continue this but I wanted to do something that still honored her love of family.
So yes, this project was inspired by several pins on pinterest - as always. I decided to combine those lovely scrabble tiles and the idea of grandchildren and in Gramma's case several great-grandchildren. It took careful planning and double checking of family names but with the approval of Mr. Fiance we are giving Gramma a unique scrabble board on Christmas.
Essentially I planned out all the grandchildren, their spouses (and soon to be like me) and then great grandchildren on a regular scrabble board. The bottom picture shows most of the names. I forgot to put on Mr. Fiance's oldest brother and newest nephew. No worries though, we fixed it. :)
The red letters are the original family name we all stem from. Ironically, the only place it would fit - between the names of two individuals who married into the family.
If you look at the name of one of the individuals - Elizabeth - its breaks the scrabble rules. We had to find someway to make her name fit. Believe me, I tried to make it not break the rules when I realized the mistake but then none of the names fit.
Please note that my scrabble board contains more of some letters than a standard scrabble board game comes with. When I planned this out, I had to count how many of each letter I would need and discovered I would need two board game sets. Luckily for me, my family, had two boards that probably had not been used in about seven or eight years. I asked my mother if I could have them so I could make someone a gift and she agreed when I explained it to her. In my mind, I think she's is realizing more and more that when she becomes a grandmother she would appreciate handmade things like this. Actually she appreciates the handmade things I already make for her too.
Anyway, back to Scrabble. My idea from here is to put it in a shadowbox to frame the board. I will let you know after Sunday - when we have our annual family Christmas party - how she likes it.
Merry Christmas y'all!
You are a genius, and I love this!! I'm absolutely stealing this idea. :D